Meetings and conventions in Göttingen

Göttingen_Altes Rathaus - Abendstimmung c) Lars Gerhadts
Göttingen_Altes Rathaus – Abendstimmung c) Lars Gerhadts

Göttingen – Region for Conventions and Congresses

Göttingen as a region for conventions and congresses is situated centrally, right in the middle of Germany, easily reachable from all directions by road and rail. No matter if you’re coming from Hamburg, Cologne, Munich, Stuttgart, Dresden or Berlin: Göttingen can be reached in four hours’ travel time at most. And once you’re there, expect impressive event locations, distinguished convention hotels, a total of 1,600 rooms with about 2,800 beds, a city of short distances, a diverse fringe area with many possibilities for incentives and supporting programmes, as well as great service provided by closely cooperating partners. You can reach Göttingen conveniently by car via the motorway A 7, the major north-south connection in Germany, and the new East-West route, the A 38. More than 100 ICE express train connections per day facilitate comfortable travel by rail, also from many airports. A convention in Göttingen – always an excellent idea!

Our services:

– Assistance from the very start
For successful implementation of your event, the search for the right date and a suitable location is decisive. We inform you at what times sufficient capacities are available and suggest which locations are best to consider for your intended activities.
– Viewings
Get the most accurate impression on location. We gladly arrange a viewing programme for you, including talks with the most important partners and contacts.
– Hotel reservations
In individual coordination with you, we draw up room allotments at the selected hotels. Your participants can then access all information about the accommodation via an exclusive booking link and book their rooms by themselves. In case of questions, our competent accommodation service team helps by fax, email or phone.
– Online services
Apart from arranging room allotments, we also offer extended services online, such as registration of participants, bookings for workshops and settlement of convention fees.
– Supporting programmes
Go on a guided tour – whether around the Gänseliesel statue, or in period costumes, or down into Göttingen’s underworld – and get to know your host city on one of over 30 different entertaining and informative walks around town. Discover Göttingen on a round tour on a London bus or take a day trip to make a conquest of the Eichsfeld, the Harz mountains or the Weser mountains. If you’re looking for a sporting challenge or team-building activities, we provide you with contacts to high rope courses, canoeing tour providers, GPS mountain bike tours, golf courses, …
– Welcome Desk
The Göttingen Tagungs- und Kongress-Service sets up a welcome desk at your event. One of our staff hands out information material such as city maps and image brochures, helps to search for accommodation, and provides tips for restaurants and entertaining evening arrangements.

Göttingen Tourismus und Marketing e.V.
Tagungs- und Kongress-Service
Altes Rathaus/Markt 9
37073 Göttingen
Tel.: 0800/4860486 (free Hotline)