Whether you prefer a tour through the Harz mountains, the monastery route, the route along the river Leine or things to know about castles and palaces – let us show you the outstanding testimonies of history in fascinating countryside around Hildesheim by a competent tour guide.
Prices and further details on request.
Encounter the unique UNESCO world cultural heritage in the Hildesheim region: In Hildesheim, visit St. Michael‘s Church and see Bishop Bernward‘s bronze works. Then take a trip to Alfeld to the Fagus plant, the first industrial building of modernity.
Prices and further details on request.
Tourist Information
Rathausstraße 20 (Tempelhaus)
D-31134 Hildesheim
Tel: + 49 (0) 5121 1798 – 0
Fax:+ 49 (0) 5121 1798 – 88
E-Mail: tourist-info@hildesheim-marketing.de