Halfday programme: Beerology in Einbeck

Beertasting©Einbecker Brauhaus AG
Beertasting©Einbecker Brauhaus AG

10.00 am: A historical figure is waiting to greet you at the Old Town Hall (Marktplatz 6).
10.15  am: ‘Through the centuries’ tour led by a guide in historical dress
12.00 pm: Rustic food and Einbeck beerology: a presentation on the history of beer with a tasting session of Einbeck beers

Duration:  3 hrs

For groups from 25 persons

Meeting point: Old Town Hall (Altes Rathaus), Marktplatz 6

28 € p.p. (from 25 p.)
26 € p.p. (from 51 p.)

Further information and booking:

Tourist-Information im Eickeschen Haus
Marktstraße 15
37574 Einbeck
Tel.: +49 (0)5561 – 916-555