Dankwarderode Castle

Braunschweig Burgplatz c) Braunschweig Stadtmarketing / Christian Bierwagen
Braunschweig Burgplatz c) Braunschweig Stadtmarketing / Christian Bierwagen

Time travel into Middle Ages

Henry the Lion had this castle built in around 1175 as a residence inspired by the imperial palaces of the time. It was completely rebuilt following many alterations and fire damage from 1887 to 1906 in a historicized manner. The castle now accommodates the mediaeval section of Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum: In the „Knappensaal“ hall, some of the Guelph treasures are on display as well as valuable liturgicalclothing and the original Braunschweig Lion. On the upper floor there is a splendid great hall.

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Dankwaderode Castle
Burgplatz 4
38100 Braunschweig